Barbell Rescue - Product Review

The Barbell Rescue Brush is an essential piece of equipment for your home gym that doesn’t initially come to mind. While I don't think it should be your first purchase, if you're a person who loves to use chalk (guilty) then this should be purchased shortly after the essentials. When you go to a commercial gym, you don't think about barbell maintenance because it's the responsibility of the gym to clean the barbells. Once you make the change (what took you so long) to a home gym, then the responsibility is on you for maintaining your barbell.  With the barbell being the centerpiece of your training, and something that you shouldn’t go cheap on, you’re going to want to maintain your barbell so that it’s with you for a lifetime. Enter the Barbell Rescue brush. This device makes cleaning your barbell a breeze. Simply clip it onto the barbell and scrub. The chalk comes right off and your knurling is like new again. Simple and effective.

barbell rescue comparison 

The company itself is owned by an Air Force veteran and all around certified cool guy. Kim saw a need to simplify the way the barbells were cleaned after spending years of watching his friends and gym owners waste their time cleaning a round barbell with a flat brush. Thus he went to his garage and figured out how to solve this problem. One water bottle, some mangled brushes, and a whole lot of duct tape later, the Barbell Rescue brush was born.

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